Many of the items you can get from the Phon Coast Hunt Club are in fact second copies of other incredibly rare items such as Thief’s Buffs, Genji Gloves, Masamune, Tula, and the Zodiac Spear. This sounds amazing, but there’s a catch: You can’t get everything.

So let’s talk about how to get this Hunt Club unlocked, details on the rare game you must hunt down, and the potential rewards you can get from the Bangaa brothers.

Opening up the Phon Coast Hunt Club

This part is easy.

Once you finish the events at Draklor Laboratory, make your way back to the Phone Coast and look for a small house with four Bangaas outside. It’s approximately across from the area’s main vendor.

Talking to the head Bangaa and responding positively will get the ball rolling. He will ask you to hunt down the Thalassinon in the nearby Vaadu Strand, which you should be able to do with ease. Simply head to the Vaadu Strand, head up the cliff to the far side of the map, and look down to see the hulking tortoise below.

After you defeat the Thalassinon you head back to the Bangaa and really get this side quest started.

How the Phon Hunt Club works

I’d like to say this is the tricky part, but it really isn’t.

Once you return after defeating the Thalassinon and returning with its trophy, you are officially part of the Hunt Club and are expected to bring trophies back for the brothers Atak, Blok, and Stok. This is where the real hunt begins.

There are 80 total rare game you can hunt down in FF12:TZA, but only 30 of them grant trophies to grant the brothers. These are called trophy rare games. None of the 30 will spawn until you initiate the quest and, as you’d expect, they are geared toward high-mid to late-game parties.

If you do not want to deal with the level 60+ rare trophy games popping up in certain areas, you may not want to initiate this quest until you are ready. Disma, in particular, is a real beast.

You will receive a trophy once you defeat the applicable rare game. Trophies can be given to one of the three brothers to go toward armor, weapons, and accessories depending on how many you’ve given to each. The items can be bought for Gil, often for very high prices.

Talk to the Shifty-eyed Man to the right of the brothers, after which he will become “Outfitters” to sell Hunt goods.

Hunt Club rewards

Here are the rewards you can get from the Hunt Club, what they do, and how many trophies/Gil they cost.

Do note that none of these items are unique to this sidequest. Every single item here can be procured by other means, including the Zodiac Spear.


There’s another way to approach giving them trophies

If will receive special rewards if you give the brothers certain amounts of trophies, and the total amount you give each one will affect the rewards. So rushing 10-10-10 for the Zodiac Spear and Escutcheon isn’t necessarily the right way to go about it.

If you give Atak 15 or less you will get a Staff of the Magi If you give Atak 16 or more you will get a Zodiac Spear If you give Blok 15 or less you will get an Ensanguined Shield If you give Blok 16 or more you will get a Zodiac Excutcheon If you give Stok 15 or less you will get a Sage’s Ring If you give Stok 16 or more you will get a Ribbon

Trophy rare game locations

As mentioned above, these rare games will only spawn once you initiate the Hunt Club sidequest. Don’t worry that you’ve killed them before starting it because you definitely have not.

Something worth noting about these enemies is that they will not spawn again once they are defeated. This sounds reasonable, but a fair number of them have rare items you probably want to get your hands on.

If you steal from one and find that you want to get another of received item, you can go back a couple screens and come back to (hopefully) steal from it again. Though you may have to go through the effort to get it to spawn again.


How to open the Pilgrim’s Door in the Sochen Cave Palace

I can’t edit images well to save my life, but here is a (hopefully) helpful drawing of the route you must take in the Sochen Cave Palace to open the Pilgrim’s Door and make way for Anubys, which will spawn as soon as you enter the room.

If this guide helped you and you’re looking for even more information on the game, check out our other Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age guides!