If you’re looking for other Houses, we’ve got the Black Eagles, Golden Deer, and faculty members of the Church of Seiros as well.

We’ve listed each character, followed by their favorite tea, the correct conversation topics, and then the potential fourth conversation point and the correct responses for each.

All Blue Lions Tea Time Responses


Favorite tea: Chamomile Correct conversation topics: Our first meeting Close calls Books you’ve read recently Children at the market Tell me about yourself Someone you look up to School days The last battle Working hours for guards Your ambitions Monastery security School days A new gambit Evaluating allies Monastery rules Working together A word of advice A strong battalion Past laughs Mighty weapons Reliable allies Sturdy weapons The view from the bridge Cooking mishaps You’re doing great work Fodlan’s future Things that bother you Potential training partners You seem well Fourth conversation point and correct responses: Joining for training: Blush Nice, relaxing conversation: Sip Tea, Laugh Going to his quarters: Laugh Sorry to be a bother: Nod, Blush When I feel down: Nod I do my training: Nod, Laugh (Part Two) Helped in the last five years: Praise


Favorite teas: Ginger Four-Spice Blend Correct conversation topics: Thanks for everything Cooking mishaps Gardening mishaps A strong battalion Shareable snacks Exploring the monastery The last battle Overcoming weaknesses Fodlan’s future I’m counting on you Our first meeting Working hours for guards Working together Someone you look up to Training partners Dimitri Strange fish in the pond Capable comrades Your ambitions Monastery security Gifts you’d like to receive A word of advice A dinner invitation Cooking mishaps Equipment upkeep Favorite sweets Food in the dining hall Fourth conversation point and correct responses: Feeling comfortable: Blush or Laugh Sword and shield of his highness: Commend, Praise Don’t like classrooms: Disagree, Praise Blood of Duscur: Sip tea Should I have brought sweets? Nod, Disagree Visit me: Nod, Blush Flowers in bloom: Nod Dimitri’s help: Chat


Favorite tea: Sweet Apple Blend Correct conversation topics: Things that bother you Likeable allies A new gambit You seem different Thanks for everything The courtyard couple You seem different School days Dreamy knights Evaluating allies Dining partners Overcoming weaknesses Favorite sweets Shareable snacks Someone you look up to The library’s collection I’m counting on you The ideal relationship Kitchen catastrophes Guessing someone’s age Tell me about yourself Gardening mishaps The opera Exploring the monastery A word of advice Fashion Cute monks Equipment upkeep Food in the dining hall Our first meeting A word of advice Food in the dining hall Plans for your future You seem well Relaxing at the sauna Children at the market Fourth conversation point and correct responses: The confectioner is in town: Nod First time I met you: Laugh Broke a plate: Disagree, Chat, Praise Asked about equations: Commend Feels at ease: Laugh, Blush She feels like she can be herself: Laugh or Blush Only one way to clean: Nod No effort is in vain: Commend


Favorite teas: Albinean Berry Blend Southern Fruit Blend Correct conversation topics: Cooking mishaps Children at the market Thanks for everything Tell me about yourself Perfect recipes Gifts you’d like to receive Places you’d like to visit The opera Fashion Likeable allies Heart-racing memories I heard some gossip Books you’ve read recently First crushes I’m counting on you Favorite sweets Shareable snacks The last battle A word of advice Things that bother you You seem different You’re doing great work Overcoming weaknesses Relaxing at the sauna School days Cats Food in the dining hall School uniforms The courtyard couple The ideal relationship Past laughs Monastery rules Dreamy knights Fashion Fourth conversation point and correct responses: No regrets: Praise Drawing you as a model: Nod Used to live in a church: Commend Should write my mother: Nod, Chat, Praise Cathedral as relaxing: Disagree, Blush Baked a cake: Nod, Sip Tea (Part Two) Livening up: Nod


Favorite tea: Mint Tea Correct conversation topics: The last battle Cats Favorite sweets Food in the dining hall A dinner invitation Things you find romantic Past laughs The library’s collection The view from the bridge Potential training partners The existence of Crests Reliable allies The ideal professor You’re doing great work Heart-racing memories Thanks for everything Our first meeting Tell me about yourself Gifts you’d like to receive Working together Your ambitions Shareable snacks Fodlan’s future Tell me about yourself Monastery security Working hours for guards Someone you look up to School days Food for life Perfect recipes Equipment upkeep Cats Books you’ve read recently Strange fish in the pond I’m counting on you Mighty weapons Fourth conversation point and correct responses: Forgetting about fighting: Chat or Praise As a child.
Laugh, Admonish Calms my nerves: Disagree, Blush Warm around the monastery: Chat, Praise Sword training: Chat Favorite food: Laugh, Chat Thinking of my next meal: Laugh


Favorite tea: Bergamot Correct conversation topics: Likeable allies Guessing someone’s age The library’s collection Relaxing at the sauna Reliable allies First crushes Favorite sweets Evaluating allies Dating escapades Things that bother you Overcoming weaknesses Potential training partners Dining partners The courtyard couple Cute monks Perfect recipes Gifts you’d like to receive Favorite sweets Thanks for everything Hopes for your future Past laughs Plans for your future Classes you might enjoy Cooking mishaps The opera Monastery mysteries Exploring the monastery The view from the bridge The ideal relationship Strange fish in the pond A dinner invitation Tell me about yourself Heart-racing memories I heard some gossip I’m counting on you School uniforms School days Capable comrades Shareable snacks You seem well You seem different You’re doing great work A place you’d like to visit Food in the dining hall Fourth conversation point and correct responses: Curious: Laugh, Blush Stoic: Chat, Sip Tea Join for training? Sip Tea, Praise Opera, art, and literature: Commend, Chat Reason to fight: Commend, Praise Should have brought candy: Nod, Sip Tea Wish my parents’ home.
Chat, Praise See right through him: Sip Tea or Disagree


Favorite teas: Mint Tea Angelica Tea Correct conversation topics: The library’s collection The ideal professor School days Working together Thanks for everything Being the perfect knight The last battle A dinner invitation A place you’d like to visit Perfect recipes Favorite sweets Close calls Past laughs Gifts you’d like to receive Cats Children at the market Shareable snacks Books you’ve read recently Gardening mishaps I’m counting on you Your ambitions You seem well Dreamy knights Equipment upkeep Strange fish in the pond Tell me about yourself Strange fish in the pond A strong battalion A word of advice The existence of Crests Working hours for guards Things that bother you Fourth conversation point and correct responses: Seeing a ghost: Sip Tea A lot happening: Commend Need to work harder: Disagree, Commend Good with kids: Laugh, Praise Getting letters: Blush No one can outrun: Commend Years with Lonato: Nod, Sigh, Praise


Favorite tea: Almyran Pine Needle Blend Correct conversation topics: Exploring the monastery Shareable snacks Someone you look up to Monastery security Cats Capable comrades A strong battalion A new sword technique A new gambit Children at the market Mighty weapons Our first meeting The opera Working together Someone you look up to The last battle Reliable allies I’m counting on you Food in the dining hall Classes you might enjoy Potential training partners Your ambitions You’re doing great Evaluating allies Plans for the future Equipment upkeep Overcoming weaknesses Fourth conversation point and correct responses: Take a break: Nod, Chat You intrigue me: Chat, Blush Join me for training: Nod, Commend I appreciate you: Laugh, Blush Spending time with you: Laugh, Blush Think about wars: Laugh Family of soldiers: Commend


Our first meeting Close calls Books you’ve read recently Children at the market Tell me about yourself Someone you look up to School days The last battle Working hours for guards Your ambitions Monastery security School days A new gambit Evaluating allies Monastery rules Working together A word of advice A strong battalion Past laughs Mighty weapons Reliable allies Sturdy weapons The view from the bridge Cooking mishaps You’re doing great work Fodlan’s future Things that bother you Potential training partners You seem well

Joining for training: Blush Nice, relaxing conversation: Sip Tea, Laugh Going to his quarters: Laugh Sorry to be a bother: Nod, Blush When I feel down: Nod I do my training: Nod, Laugh (Part Two) Helped in the last five years: Praise

Ginger Four-Spice Blend

Thanks for everything Cooking mishaps Gardening mishaps A strong battalion Shareable snacks Exploring the monastery The last battle Overcoming weaknesses Fodlan’s future I’m counting on you Our first meeting Working hours for guards Working together Someone you look up to Training partners Dimitri Strange fish in the pond Capable comrades Your ambitions Monastery security Gifts you’d like to receive A word of advice A dinner invitation Cooking mishaps Equipment upkeep Favorite sweets Food in the dining hall

Feeling comfortable: Blush or Laugh Sword and shield of his highness: Commend, Praise Don’t like classrooms: Disagree, Praise Blood of Duscur: Sip tea Should I have brought sweets? Nod, Disagree Visit me: Nod, Blush Flowers in bloom: Nod Dimitri’s help: Chat

Sweet Apple Blend

Things that bother you Likeable allies A new gambit You seem different Thanks for everything The courtyard couple You seem different School days Dreamy knights Evaluating allies Dining partners Overcoming weaknesses Favorite sweets Shareable snacks Someone you look up to The library’s collection I’m counting on you The ideal relationship Kitchen catastrophes Guessing someone’s age Tell me about yourself Gardening mishaps The opera Exploring the monastery A word of advice Fashion Cute monks Equipment upkeep Food in the dining hall Our first meeting A word of advice Food in the dining hall Plans for your future You seem well Relaxing at the sauna Children at the market

The confectioner is in town: Nod First time I met you: Laugh Broke a plate: Disagree, Chat, Praise Asked about equations: Commend Feels at ease: Laugh, Blush She feels like she can be herself: Laugh or Blush Only one way to clean: Nod No effort is in vain: Commend

Albinean Berry Blend Southern Fruit Blend

Cooking mishaps Children at the market Thanks for everything Tell me about yourself Perfect recipes Gifts you’d like to receive Places you’d like to visit The opera Fashion Likeable allies Heart-racing memories I heard some gossip Books you’ve read recently First crushes I’m counting on you Favorite sweets Shareable snacks The last battle A word of advice Things that bother you You seem different You’re doing great work Overcoming weaknesses Relaxing at the sauna School days Cats Food in the dining hall School uniforms The courtyard couple The ideal relationship Past laughs Monastery rules Dreamy knights Fashion

No regrets: Praise Drawing you as a model: Nod Used to live in a church: Commend Should write my mother: Nod, Chat, Praise Cathedral as relaxing: Disagree, Blush Baked a cake: Nod, Sip Tea (Part Two) Livening up: Nod

Mint Tea

The last battle Cats Favorite sweets Food in the dining hall A dinner invitation Things you find romantic Past laughs The library’s collection The view from the bridge Potential training partners The existence of Crests Reliable allies The ideal professor You’re doing great work Heart-racing memories Thanks for everything Our first meeting Tell me about yourself Gifts you’d like to receive Working together Your ambitions Shareable snacks Fodlan’s future Tell me about yourself Monastery security Working hours for guards Someone you look up to School days Food for life Perfect recipes Equipment upkeep Cats Books you’ve read recently Strange fish in the pond I’m counting on you Mighty weapons

Forgetting about fighting: Chat or Praise As a child.
Laugh, Admonish Calms my nerves: Disagree, Blush Warm around the monastery: Chat, Praise Sword training: Chat Favorite food: Laugh, Chat Thinking of my next meal: Laugh


Likeable allies Guessing someone’s age The library’s collection Relaxing at the sauna Reliable allies First crushes Favorite sweets Evaluating allies Dating escapades Things that bother you Overcoming weaknesses Potential training partners Dining partners The courtyard couple Cute monks Perfect recipes Gifts you’d like to receive Favorite sweets Thanks for everything Hopes for your future Past laughs Plans for your future Classes you might enjoy Cooking mishaps The opera Monastery mysteries Exploring the monastery The view from the bridge The ideal relationship Strange fish in the pond A dinner invitation Tell me about yourself Heart-racing memories I heard some gossip I’m counting on you School uniforms School days Capable comrades Shareable snacks You seem well You seem different You’re doing great work A place you’d like to visit Food in the dining hall

Curious: Laugh, Blush Stoic: Chat, Sip Tea Join for training? Sip Tea, Praise Opera, art, and literature: Commend, Chat Reason to fight: Commend, Praise Should have brought candy: Nod, Sip Tea Wish my parents’ home.
Chat, Praise See right through him: Sip Tea or Disagree

Mint Tea Angelica Tea

The library’s collection The ideal professor School days Working together Thanks for everything Being the perfect knight The last battle A dinner invitation A place you’d like to visit Perfect recipes Favorite sweets Close calls Past laughs Gifts you’d like to receive Cats Children at the market Shareable snacks Books you’ve read recently Gardening mishaps I’m counting on you Your ambitions You seem well Dreamy knights Equipment upkeep Strange fish in the pond Tell me about yourself Strange fish in the pond A strong battalion A word of advice The existence of Crests Working hours for guards Things that bother you

Seeing a ghost: Sip Tea A lot happening: Commend Need to work harder: Disagree, Commend Good with kids: Laugh, Praise Getting letters: Blush No one can outrun: Commend Years with Lonato: Nod, Sigh, Praise

Exploring the monastery Shareable snacks Someone you look up to Monastery security Cats Capable comrades A strong battalion A new sword technique A new gambit Children at the market Mighty weapons Our first meeting The opera Working together Someone you look up to The last battle Reliable allies I’m counting on you Food in the dining hall Classes you might enjoy Potential training partners Your ambitions You’re doing great Evaluating allies Plans for the future Equipment upkeep Overcoming weaknesses

Take a break: Nod, Chat You intrigue me: Chat, Blush Join me for training: Nod, Commend I appreciate you: Laugh, Blush Spending time with you: Laugh, Blush Think about wars: Laugh Family of soldiers: Commend

That’s it for the complete Blue Lions tea time guide. Once you’ve finished your tea and are ready to jump back into the fray, check out our other Fire Emblem: Three Houses guides to keep yourself fighting fit.