I know it is disappointing, but at least this means they are really working on it. This enchanted folder contains the design document for the new Mass Effect title. Sadly, this looks like the game is far from completion, but Yanick Roy assures us that it won’t be too long. 

That is very reassuring to me, a dedicated fan. We might not see it next year, but I have high hopes. We all know that Commander Shepard’s story has come to an end, and this leaves us worrying about what the next title will be like. Once again Yanick Roy comes through to let us know everything is gonna be okay, stating the games won’t stray away from our beloved RPG genre.

So if you are a die hard Mass Effect fan like myself you can take comfort in the knowledge Bioware is working on it. I will be keeping a watchful eye on this project, and will be keeping you all up to date with anything related to the new entry to the series.